586-783-7700 or VHF 16 sherry@towboatuslakestclair.com


Salvage #1 is a 2017 28-foot Silverships that is aluminum. It was custom built our of aluminum patterned off a high speed Navy patrol boat. It is equipped with PVC 12 inch bumper guards. It carries 175 gallons of premium fuel. It is powered with twin Yamaha 300hp four stroke outboards.

This vessel is capable of 50 knots in any weather conditions. On most weekend days, you will find our Salvage Master at the helm. This unit is usually designated as our emergency response unit with nighttime capabilities. It carries a 13,000gph-dewatering pump, an electric 4000gph-dewatering pump, 100 feet of 6-inch oil boom and hundreds of oil absorbent pads. It has a modern array of electronics equipped to include 4KW Radar, Chart plotters, Autopilot, and Nema 2000.